In primary school, careers education is about helping children develop a healthy sense of self (who am I?), giving them a chance to explore exciting possibilities (what does the world of work look like?), and helping them understand who they could become (what could I do?), so they can reach their full potential.

It is not about getting children to choose a specific job (many will end up in jobs that do not even exist yet!) or the practical aspects of work or job seeking.

Passions & Pathways gives students in their last years of primary school exposure to the world of work through an exciting journey of in-class workshops, workplace visits, hands-on learning experiences, and talks with employers and Young Industry Ambassadors. 

Why is it important?

By the end of primary school, children have already begun to rule out potential future jobs based on what they see and hear around them. Passions & Pathways gives students hands-on, engaging experiences that develop their confidence, keep their minds open to potential future pathways, and stay connected to their learning.

What do they do?

 During the ten-week program, students: 

Work with their classroom teacher on a ten-week study program focusing on building self-confidence, aspiration, and communication to help them see how their skills and interests can lead to a bright future.

Visit workplaces and explore hands-on experiences that help them understand what kinds of jobs are available and how people go about their jobs.

Tour a local TAFE and University and experience hands-on experiences of what tertiary learning looks like.

Use their skills and interests to choose a project to work on with a local business.

Share their projects and what they have learned with families and their community at an Expo event.

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